
发布时间:2017-10-13 15:26   来源: 成都新闻网  Tag:
新闻导读:天府正装介绍由成都新闻网采编:天府正装介绍TianFu formal attire 本届世界旅游大会正式推出天府正装,天府正装源于彭州。 将西装的设计理念和传统中式服装的元素结合在一起。走近细看,最惹眼的是衣服上的大 熊猫和竹子...

天府正装介绍TianFu formal attire







全球化的东方潮流和古蜀情怀,是天府正装设计的精髓所在。假两件的中式对襟设计在结构上运用传统中式服装“留白”的概念,手工“蜀”字盘扣起到点睛之笔,凸显出传统古蜀文化与西方礼服式剪裁碰撞出的全新灵感,以其中西合璧的设计构思,体现成都开放包容的城市精神。男、女装均采用天然纤维面料,彰显了绿色环保理念, 色系上选用饱和度较高的玫红或宝蓝色深浅配搭,庄重大方,张弛有度。袖口和领口的图案设计充分体现成都人文特色,将现代工艺和传统元素结合在一起,让传统得以传承。

Globalized eastern trend and the feelings of ancient “Shu” Kingdom are the essence of the Tian Fu formal attire design. The concept of “copy space” in traditional Chinese clothes is the employed on the fake two-piece Chinese style front opening design structurally, handcrafted “Pankou ” (a type of button) in the character “Shu” as a final touch highlights the brand, new inspiration generated by impact of the traditional ancient “Shu” culture and the cutting style of Western dress. The design concept of combining the Chinese and Western style embodies the open and inclusive urban spirit of Chengdu. Men and women wears are both made of natural fiber fabric, highlighting the green environmental protection concept. The high saturation rose red or royal blue color collocate, not only solemn generous but quite natural to a certain degree. The design patterns on cuffs and collars which fully reflect the humanistic characteristics of Chengdu and combine modern techniques with traditional elements, create innovative designs with traditional charm to inherit our traditions.

